Make the Most of Your Whole Foods Market Benefits

Understand Your Plans

Whole Foods Market is with you every step of your health and wellness journey, and we're committed to providing you with the best tools and information to help you understand and use your health benefits.

If you're unsure what plan you're enrolled in or how it covers services, visit the Benefits Enrollment Portal or call the Whole Foods Market Benefits Center at 888-681-2249 Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. CT.

ID Cards

While we encourage the use of digital ID cards, some providers may offer the choice of a physical ID card mailed to you. Review the Innerview article for details on how to access your ID cards.

You can access the plan details and a digital version of your ID card anytime by selecting your plan below:


Reminders That Save You Time and Money

Before you head off to a provider's office or a care facility, consider these important money and time savers:

  • Get familiar with your plan. Before you seek care, it's a good idea to understand your plan: what it covers, your annual deductible, and what your portion of care might cost. Log in to your plan's website for details about your coverage.
  • Stay in-network. Before you make an appointment, verify that the doctor or facility participates in your medical plan's network to get the best care and value.
  • Have your plan ID card and identification. Most providers and facilities require that you provide them with your plan ID card and a photo ID (i.e., your driver's license) to verify coverage and file your claim. Be sure to download your ID card before your visit.
  • Pay using your Health Care Funding Account or FSA funds. Don't forget that you can use your HSA, PWA, or FSA debit card to pay for services up-front, so be sure to bring it!

Take the Preventive Approach… It’s 100% Covered!

Being proactive when it comes to your health can help you identify health problems early before they become serious and more costly to treat. All our Whole Foods Market medical plans cover in-network preventive services, including age-recommended screenings and vaccinations, at no cost to you.

Here are some tips to help you take advantage of the preventive benefits our plans offer:

  • Establish a relationship with a primary care provider. Building a relationship with a physician is at the heart of preventive care and allows for continuity and consistency in your health care. Your primary doctor coordinates your care if you need to see a specialist or need hospitalization—and can help you stay on top of your recommended screenings.
  • Ask questions. Confirm that your provider is in-network, and ask if any out-of-pocket costs will be associated with your visit. Most importantly, use your appointment time to ask your physician any questions you have about your health and medical problems you've been having. (Note: If you're having medical symptoms OR it hasn't been a year since your last annual exam, your visit may not be fully covered as a preventive care expense.)
  • Schedule and follow through on preventive screenings. Talk to your primary care doctor about which preventive screenings and immunizations are right for you and your children based on your ages and family history. Age-recommended preventive screenings are covered fully and can be the key to early diagnosis of serious health issues. It could save your life!

Special $50 Wellness Credit for Aflac Voluntary Plans

If you're enrolled in any of our Aflac voluntary plans (I.e., Accident, Critical Illness, or Hospital Indemnity) and complete a preventive screening or routine physical exam, you can apply for a $50 wellness credit. For more information on how to apply, contact Aflac at 800-433-3036 or click Wellness Benefit Claim to file a claim. To learn more about the Aflac voluntary plans, visit the Aflac Learning Hub.

Know Where to Go for Care

Sometimes, you or a family member may need care after hours, on a weekend or a holiday—or at a time when your primary care provider (PCP) is not available. It pays to know the best move for seeking care, both in terms of time spent and what you pay for services. This downloadable guide helps you get the care you need when and where you need it.

Additional Health Benefits*

Virtual Visits

When you're sick with minor illnesses like a cold, flu, sinus infection, and more, consider virtual care. You'll be connected with a doctor or behavioral health provider anytime by phone or video. Virtual visits are less costly than urgent care and ER visits and allow for the convenience of care without leaving your home. The cost will vary based on your selected medical plan. See the Benefits Guide for details.

MDLive is available to National Choice, National Select, and Whole Health Plan enrollees.

Surest Virtual Care is available to Surest Plan enrollees.

No Cost Virtual Back and Joint Care

Hinge Health, available to National Choice, National Select, and Whole Health plan enrollees, is here when you need help recovering from back and joint issues. Hinge Health pairs wearable sensor-guided therapy with a virtual clinical care team to aid in your recovery fully funded by WFM.  Contact Hinge Health at 855-902-2777 or visit the Hinge Health website.

Surest Plan enrollees have access to digital therapy complemented by human care with comprehensive plans for back, joint and chronic pain.

Kick the Habit with the Nicotine Cessation Program

If you want to quit nicotine, we want to support your journey. Quit for Life’s clinically proven program offers a customized plan, 24/7 personal support, and strategic tools to help you manage cravings. The Nicotine Cessation Program is free for Team Members and household members 18+. For more information, visit or call 866-QUIT-4-LIFE.

If you are subject to the Nicotine Surcharge for a plan year, and you complete the Quit for Life program at any time during that plan year, you will begin paying the non-nicotine user contribution rates in the month following your completion of the program. Additionally, you will receive a refund for any previous surcharge payments that you made in the plan year. If it is unreasonably difficult due to a health factor for you to meet the requirements of the Quit for Life nicotine cessation program, or it is medically inadvisable for the individual to attempt to meet the requirements of the Quit for Life nicotine cessation program, the Nicotine Surcharge may be waived if you submit a Nicotine Surcharge Physician Affidavit no later than October 1st of the plan year (or within 60 days of initial enrollment, if later). The Affidavit can be found on the Benefits Enrollment Portal on Please contact Ask TMS or call 833-4-ASKTMS (833-427-5867) Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. CT with any questions.

*Not available to HSMSA enrollees

Medical / Tips by Plan

National Choice

National Select

Whole Health Plan

Use the Preferred Tier for BIG Savings

The Whole Health Plan offers two in-network tiers with access to quality providers. The Preferred Tier gives you access to a curated network of local providers, clinics, and hospitals that have agreed to offer higher cost savings on services. When you use a preferred wellness provider, and you're enrolled in the Personal Wellness Account, there is no cost for primary care and specialist office visits—and there are no annual deductibles to meet for these services. See the Benefits Guide for details.

Tip: When you need urgent care, ER, or hospital services, you can use the Expanded Tier, which provides in-network benefits for these and other services the Preferred Tier does not.

Concierge Level of Care

When you need care, and you're on the Whole Health Plan, reach out to a Health Resource Coordinator (HRC) at 844-380-4554. Your HRC can help align your health and wellness goals with the right provider.

Family Deductible Reminder

If you enrolled dependents, the family deductible must be met before the plan pays benefits for any one person. One family member or a combination of family members can satisfy the family deductible.

Surest Plan


Coverage in Hawaii and Beyond

The HMSA PPO for our Hawaii Team Members provides comprehensive coverage and emergency care in the Hawaiian islands, on the mainland, and when you travel outside of the United States. To get the same care and coverage, you must use physicians, facilities, and pharmacies within the Blue Cross/Blue Shield network. Visit the HMSA Your Travel Benefits page for more details.


In-Network Prescription Benefits

Staying on top of your medications is crucial to your health. Remember, all the health plans cover standard preventive medications at 100%.

If enrolled in the National Choice, National Select, or Whole Health Plan, you can make the most of your prescription coverage by using a Prime Therapeutics in-network retail pharmacy for your 30-day prescription supply. For your 90-day supply, be sure to use CVS or Walgreens (depending on which you selected during Benefits Enrollment). Don't forget you can also access Amazon Pharmacy for mail order service. See the Benefits Guide for details.



Tip: You do not need an ID card for most vision visits. Tell the physician you are a VSP member, and the care provider will do the rest.

Your member ID when registering for a VSP account is 00+TMID (ex. 001234567).

Benefit Basics: Terms

Benefits 101: Understand the Basics

Understanding health and wellness plans can be confusing. Here are a few basic plan terms to take the guesswork out of learning about your benefits. Click the thumbnails to learn more.

Paying for Care

During Benefits Enrollment, you selected which accounts you want to use to save and pay for your healthcare expenses. If you are a new enrollee or if you changed your account type, you should receive a debit card from WEX in January.

You can manage your HSA, PWA, and FSAs online at The WEX tools allow you to check your balances, request a reimbursement, designate a beneficiary, or update your profile and preferences.

Now’s let’s look at few tips and tricks for using your accounts:

  • Whole Foods Market contribution: To help you pay for your healthcare expenses, Whole Foods Market will contribute $1,000 for an individual or $1,500 for a family each plan year. Half the funds will be deposited in January and the other half in July and you must be actively employed at the time of the deposit.
  • Make changes to your contributions: In addition to the Whole Foods Market contribution, you can add up to $4,300 for Team Member Only coverage or $8,550 for Team Member + Dependents coverage. The HSA also allows you to change your per-paycheck contributions to your account anytime during the year to help you meet your savings and budgetary goals. To adjust your per-paycheck contribution amount, visit the Benefits Enrollment Portal via My Apps at and select Change Your Current Benefits.
  • Easy access to funds: Use your HSA debit card at doctor’s offices, care facilities, or pharmacies to pay for eligible medical, prescription, dental, and vision expenses, up to the balance you have in your account. Click here for a list of eligible expenses. Be sure to bring your card with you and ask your care provider for an HSA-compliant itemized receipt for your tax records.
  • Save your receipts: Because an HSA is a tax-advantaged account, IRS regulations require you to save your itemized and dated receipts when you use your HSA. Be sure to save your receipt with your tax records so they will be readily available during an IRS audit.
  • No use it or lose it rules: Any funds you have in your HSA at the end of the plan year roll over to the next one. You can carry your HSA funds year over year to pay for future healthcare expenses—and they are yours to keep, even if you retire or leave the company.
  • Whole Foods Market contribution:
    PlanNational Choice or WHPNational Select
    To help you pay for your healthcare expenses, Whole Foods Market will contribute funds to your account based on the medical plan you selected. One half of the funds will be deposited in January and the other half in July.
  • Easy access to funds: Use your PWA debit card at doctor's offices or pharmacies to pay for eligible medical, prescription, dental, and vision expenses, up to the balance you have in your account. Click here for a list of eligible expenses. Be sure to save your itemized receipts for your tax records.
  • Save your receipts. IRS regulations require you to save your itemized and dated receipts when you use your PWA. As part of best practice PWA audits, you may be required to provide a copy of the receipts to WEX or during an IRS audit.
  • No use it or lose it rules: Any funds in your PWA at the end of the plan year roll over to the next one as long as you re-enroll in the PWA the following year. Unused funds will be forfeited if you leave the company.

Health Care Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)

If you enrolled in a Health Care Flexible Spending Account, you've signed on for a way to help you pay for out-of-pocket healthcare expenses with great tax savings. By making pre-tax contributions to your account, you save money because your contributions are deposited to your FSA before any income taxes are deducted.

Here are some quick reminders about how to make the most of your Health Care FSA:

  • There’s no wait on available funds. Your full elected goal amount for the year is available immediately, so you can use the FSA to pay for eligible expenses (up to the amount you elected for the year) even if you don't have the money in your account yet.
  • Easy access to your account. You have two options for using your account to pay for health care expenses: use the FSA debit card provided by WEX or pay up-front with your own funds and request reimbursement.
  • Save your receipts. Because an FSA is a tax-advantaged account, IRS regulations require you to save your itemized and dated receipts when you use your FSA. As part of best practice FSA audits, you may be required to provide a copy of the receipts to WEX or during an IRS audit.
  • Use your funds by the end of each plan year. The IRS requires you to use all the funds in your FSA each year or lose them. They cannot be rolled over from one year to the next.

Enrolled in an HSA-Compatible FSA?

If you are enrolled in both an HSA and the HSA-Compatible FSA, remember that your FSA funds can only be used for dental and vision expenses. You'll use your HSA to help pay for eligible medical and prescription expenses.

Healthy Eating

Food is Medicine

Our fundamental belief at Whole Foods Market is that nutrition is the key to health and wellness—physically, emotionally, and financially. Studies show that chronic medical conditions like type 2 diabetes and heart disease can be managed and, in some cases, reversed by adopting a healthier diet and lifestyle changes.

The organic, fresh foods we sell at Whole Foods Market every day are, in fact, just what the doctor ordered. And with your in-store Team Member discount, it’s easy to eat nutritiously and save money. Learn more about your in-store discounts in the Team Member Discounts section.

Team Member Discounts

In-Store Discounts

Team Members and their registered spouses or domestic partners receive a 20% discount on in-store purchases and an additional 15% discount on select food bar items at Whole Foods Market locations.

Partner Discounts

All Team Members have access to top-brand apparel, technology, and travel companies like Apple, AT&T, Microsoft, American Airlines, and more. Click here to access your savings.